Thursday, October 15, 2009

Black Holes

I'm in a Hogwarts group on Ravelry and this is my 1st assignment for Astronomy:

Black Holes

A black hole is the result of the collapse of a very massive star. Under normal conditions, a star will burn hydrogen fuel, converting it into helium. During the last stages of the star’s life, when the hydrogen fuel runs out, the star begins to burn helium into a heavier element. These elements that are burned, other than hydrogen, create an imbalance between the gravitational forces and the nuclear forces that under normal conditions keep the star stable (see supernova). Due to this imbalance, gravity takes over and the star begins to collapse upon itself until it reaches a point of infinite density and infinitely small size, in other words, a black hole. This black hole creates a massive gravitational effect unlike any other. This effect is so great, that even light cannot escape its gravitational wrath.

A black hole also has an event horizon, the boundary of the black hole where anything inside will feel the effects of gravity. Anything outside the event horizon will not feel these effects. This event horizon plays a role in the emissions a black hole gives off. Though this seems impossible, it really can occur.

A black hole is only created when the star is extremely massive and large; these stars are called super giants.

Information from

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